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Children’s Service

The Children’s service offers a range of supports to children, adolescents and young people who are living in a home where there is a person with a cancer diagnosis.

Junior CLIMB and Teen CLIMB

CLIMB (Children’s Lives Include Moments of Bravery) was developed by the Children’s Treehouse Foundation in the US and in Ireland is delivered under the umbrella of the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP).

The programmes is designed for children who live in a household with a person who has cancer.

Junior CLIMB and Teen CLIMB – Workshops designed to help young children and Teens to understand cancer, it’s treatments, their feelings and learn the coping skills needed. It also provides an important opportunity for children and teens to benefit from peer support

One to One Counselling

PLAY Therapy is delivered by therapists who are qualified in Psychotherapy and Play Therapy  and who have many years experience working with children.


Cois Nore stock a range of books that will assist parents in talking to their children about cancer. There are books for both children and their parents and they are available to borrow. Please contact the centre for further details.

See library

Writing for the Future

This support is available to clients with a terminal diagnosis who have young children. Our facilitator will work with the client to create a memory book to leave for the children. The book will include photos and will document important life events and will record the client’s memories and their hopes for their children in the future.

Helping Parents-Helping Children

This is a support available to parents to avail of a once off session with our children’s counsellor to help parents in talking to their children about cancer in a way that is age appropriate and answering any questions parents have in this respect.